comprised of an entire alphabet
It takes an entire alphabet to compose one single character
--you, who are only one character in a word. In addition,
the alphabet streaming through you also produces a word with you,
just as it also produces a phrase with you and makes you into a sentence.
The alphabet running through your genetic encoding also makes you
into a complete paragraph, only this takes at least a decade.
After two decades, you may grow into your own story--
a very short story, maybe only a couple of paragraphs long.
By the time we each reach adulthood, we are just living examples of flash fiction.
After a good and long life, say double that, then you've transformed into
a short story or novella. If you double that and live into your eighties
you have transformed into a living novel in flesh and blood.
When we die, the book that is ourselves is buried in the earth
as having been reduced to a single character in this living alphabet.
The Omega becomes transubstantiated back into the Alpha.
And so it goes, an ever cycling process channeled through
the subatomic forces at the heart of the universe which dictate
the second law of thermodynamics and bring about everything
from an endless series of multiple big bangs right on down to
this very moment, where I, already having lived long enough
to have developed into a novella of living information
have been led to transcribe these thoughts here to you.
You, who are me, each one of us a single letter, word, sentence,
paragraph--many pages, in fact--of a developing collection
of stories interacting with each other in the most complex
anthology meta-novel that creation has yet written,
in blood, on our pages of flesh and bone.
Each one of us a chapter describing
every possible permutation of the one story
that's been told since before the title of the Tale of Time
was established as the heading for this account.
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